Leading up to the worldwide release of Spider-Man: Far From Home, Marvel and Sony held a global competition for illustrators to capture the iconic characters of the upcoming movie. This was my entry which has Peter Parker pausing for a moment before he enters the battle with Mysterio on the London Tower Bridge.
A Whales Tale
When a whale calf is old enough the mother will take it to see the whalers ghosts shipwreck. The mother tells tales of the many ancestors hunted and killed in the bay, explaining that most families in the area disappeared and those who survived lived in fear of the whalers. But one whale did not. She was a warrior who lost her first born to the whalers and returned to avenge him. During a storm she was being hunted by the whalers in deep water. Struck several times she avoided capture. Then a final strike. They dragged her over rough seas trying to bring her ashore, but she was too strong. As waves crashed against the ship, she launched herself out of the water and crashed down on them. The ship sunk and the whalers drowned. The warrior whale sunk to the sea floor. Every year on that day, the whalers ghosts try to escape from the wreck. But the warrior whale is always there to stop them.
The Four Brothers
When they were young the four brothers would go surfing together all the time. Going out into the cold Southern Ocean to catch a few waves. It had been some time since the brothers had all been out together, living in different towns, in different states the chances too were few. But on this day, well everything lined up perfectly. The four brothers were all in town, the sun was shining, the wind gently blowing in the perfect direction and the waves rolling in on the sand bar, it was perfect. With the afternoon free they took off with a few of their kids to borrow some boards off a good mate. With boards acquired and reports of shark sitings the brothers headed to Mutton Bird determined. They paddled out into the surf reminiscing of times gone by, joking and quoting Monty Python. The fun continued wave after wave, set after set, until a yell from the beach signalled it was time to go home. Time to catch one last wave, one last time, together.
The Final Challenge
The sea eagle must pass a series of challenges before becoming a true sky warrior. Each challenge is set to test all the attributes that mark a sea eagle worthy of this title. The final challenge is to show bravery in the face of extreme danger. The eagle must dive into the mouth of the water beast and retrieve a red gem from the sea floor to present to the leader. Most sea eagles never attempt the final challenge to become a full warrior from fear of the water beast smashing them against the rocks in a rage for stealing the sea jewels. However, this sea eagle doesn't fear the water beast, he fears not being a true warrior. Gliding high above the rocks he accesses the water below. He is focused on the sea floor as he dives toward the angry water beast. He slices through the waters surface, spotting a red gem and grabbing it. Kicking off from the rocks he launches himself back to the surface and into the sky, rising as a true warrior.
A Record of the Minutes
We call to order the meeting for today. Let the record show that Mr. Lloyd, Mrs. Chambers, Mr. Bluthal and Mrs. Smith are all absent from todays meeting. In our last meeting we discussed the spring fair, which due to the circumstances will now be canceled. Todays agenda will focus on the fire relief as this is an emergency meeting. Mr. Fleet would like to state that he was unaware this was an emergency meeting, believing there was no vote taken to title it such. By show of wings, is voting for the name is required? All in favor of voting. Now, should we title this meeting an Emergency Meeting? The title shall be Emergency meeting by four votes to two. With the fire destroying seventy five percent of homes and sixty percent of the locals we must discuss ways to rebuild the community. Mr. Waldhorn requests that the required building permits be acquired from the local council. Mrs. French yelled, its burnt down! Everything has Gary! End of Emergency Meeting.